Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Captain Fizz Meets the Blaster-Trons for the NES

Captain Fizz meets the Blaster-Trons!

I love video games.  Obviously.  I have a rarely updated blog about them.  I love all video games from Pong all the way up to the Triple A blockbusters that the big boys crank out these days.  I'll tell you what though.....for all the amazing set pieces in modern video games....for all their amazing graphics and voice acting.....sometimes I really miss the old school ingenuity and creativity of the 8 bit age.  Take Captain Fizz meets The Blaster-Trons for instance.  

CFmTB is essentially a Gauntlet clone.  It's a top down shoot 'em-up set in a maze on a space ship or on an alien planet in an alien base (not sure which)....but the point is that you could basically call this Space Gauntlet.  But you know what?  It still feels different.  Back in the day, even when ripping off or cloning another game, developers still put massive amounts of creativity into their products.  Just that title alone makes you want to play!  And don't even get me started on the amazing box art!  Much like the 80's VHS boxes of yesteryear, game boxes had fantastic pieces of artwork on them.  Even Mastertronic, famous for their 1.99 game series commissioned artists to design some killer artwork for their titles.  Take Bionic Granny for instance.  Is the artwork creepy?  Yep sure is!  It certainly ain't no Boris Vallejo.....but it's still pretty groovy!

I've only just started playing but so far I've been having a blast with it.  The music is SIDilicious (if you don't know what SID music is.....go find yourself a C64 emulator and play some games!) and the control is pretty tight.  Interestingly, this is a co-op game.  There weren't a lot of these back in the day and split screen co-op was definitely a novelty.  

As you may or may not have read in my other blog (www.midnightcinephile.com)  I've recently fallen in love with retro games again.   And after getting a little encouragement from a reader (hello Devlon!) I've decided to invest some more time into the ol' Space Dungeon here.  I hope that those who find my little corner of the web enjoy what they find!  

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